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Healthy Her | Good Sleep

Healthy Her | Good Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you have restless nights? Have you been wondering what you can do to improve your sleep?

Sleep is the body’s way of repairing. When sleeping the body produces proteins, those proteins are used to form new cells that the body needs to heal. Getting good sleep is just as important for our physical health as it is for our mental well-being!

There are a variety of reasons why you might struggle with sound sleep. Pregnancy, menopause-related night sweats, medication side effects, sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome, and other ailments like chronic pain, cancer, depression, or dementia can all contribute to your inability to get a good night's rest.

If you are struggling with good sleep take an inventory of the following: the duration of sleep you regularly achieve, the quality of sleep and any potential sleep disorders hindering your rest. Compare your sleep inventory with your sleep habits! Some things to improve could include:

  • Create a good sleeping environment | Dark and quiet room, non-restrictive clothing as well as a comfortable sleeping temperature.
  • Get in a routine | Bedtimes aren't just for kids! Set a time and stick to it.
  • Exercise! | Moving your body during the day has been shown to help with being able to fall asleep faster.
  • Decrease screen time before bed | Avoid using screens before bedtime, especially the use of phones, tablets and TVs while in your bed.
  • Check your diet | Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime

If your sleep issues persist, discuss your concerns with your physician. It might be necessary to see a sleep medicine specialist or pulmonologist. These specialized physicians can run additional diagnostic testing such as sleep studies, polysomnography or at-home sleep apnea tests.

If a sleep study is necessary, Mobile Infirmary and Thomas Hospital offer sleep labs that provide diagnostic testing in a comfortable "home-like" sleeping environment. During these overnight tests, the sleep labs' advanced equipment monitors and records information, including:

  • Brain waves
  • Breathing
  • Eye movement
  • Heart rate
  • Muscle activity
  • Oxygen level

Are you struggling with sleep? Learn more about Infirmary Health's sleep services -->

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